Monetary Donations

Monetary Donations

By donating money to the Habitat For Humanity Kingston Limestone Region Build Program, you are contributing towards an initiative that is dedicated to providing safe, secure, and affordable housing options to families in our community. Your generous contribution helps us to continue developing and expanding our program so that we can offer more families the opportunity to experience the joy of homeownership, while also fostering a sense of community and belonging. Join us in our mission to build a better future for all.

Donate Funds

Habitat Kingston is committed to providing local families a hand-up by helping them build affordable homes, hope, and self-reliance. Consider making a monetary donation to the Square Foot of Hope Campaign or to our build program. Join us in our mission. 

Leave a Legacy

Are you interested in making a donation to Habitat for Humanity Kingston Limestone Region as part of your estate? Our team can assist your family in removing any items you'd like to donate. By donating to the ReStore, we can generate funds to support our building program and make a positive impact in our community. 

You can also choose to leave a monetary donation that will support our build program if it better suits your desires.

When making a monetary donation, you can choose to honour or remember someone special. Please let us know if your donation is a tribute to an individual, family, or group and provide contact information if you'd like an acknowledgment card from us. It's a wonderful way to show your support and let someone know that you're thinking of them.

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